Monday, November 14, 2011

Read this article and I'll shut up.

(Until I can't shut up anymore.)
A few of my friends and a couple of my family members have expressed concern that I’ve posted several updates on Facebook that are very critical of the Republican Party.  It’s no secret to anyone that I’m a Democrat, but I understand that they were concerned that I might offend someone who could be a future advertiser, business associate, or employer.  It was also silently implied that I could be offending friends and family members as well.

I really appreciate that the people who are closest to me have my best interest at heart.  I honestly do.  My dilemma is that even though I crave everyone’s respect and admiration (like every other human being) I recently came to the sad realization that such yearnings are both unobtainable and unsustainable.  Part of that realization came from advancing age, but most of it came from the liberating reality of facing my own mortality. 

I was always supposed to do this and be that when I grew up.  Well… I’ve pretty much done this and been that and now what?  I’ve been a big success and a big failure and I know that you can’t be one without the other.  You can’t enjoy success unless you’ve failed and you can’t fail if you enjoy success.  There is a lot of life yet to live and I plan on doing just that.

I haven’t earned a fortune, but I just bought a beautiful new life, by surviving the terror that is cancer.  Money doesn’t impress me anymore... people who are kind to each other impress me the most. 

No, I haven’t earned a fortune, but I believe that I’ve earned the right to speak my mind once in a while.  Tomorrow, I might speak out against a Republican, tear into a Democrat, or challenge an Independent to choose a lane in which to drive.  If I offend a particular person’s sensibilities, that is unfortunate.  My intention is normally to spark healthy political debate.  I say normally, because there are occasions when I make statements that are fully intended to insult members of the Grand Old Party.   I am not ashamed of that last statement and I hope that those words don’t ruin any relationship that we may have now, or anytime in the future.

With that said, I think it’s time to quote my favorite Republican:  “The time comes upon every public man when it is best for him to keep his lips closed.”  Abraham Lincoln

Steve Erdelen

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have written that better myself. I too post articles and little one liners on Facebook that belittles the Republican Party, but mostly I do that because it makes my nephews skin boil. Die hard Republican. So, as you know Steve, we have lived long enough to know that the little things in life are what matters the most and if along the way we may happen to offend someone, then so be it.

